Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Job in the World

David has a new used stroller, actually a jogging stroller with three large wheels that his mom bought on craigslist. It's a lot easier to push, especially uphill than the folding one with the small wheels, as well as a bit better for my posture as I don't bend over to push it. I don't imagine taking it on the bus, but since it's easier to push we can walk to some places like the library that we were going to by bus.

One thing I noticed though is he is so comfortable riding in it, and the seat back is a bit more inclined, that it seems to put him to sleep even before his regular nap time. On Friday his mom was getting home earlier and she wanted him to take his nap after she got home, so I had to keep him awake when he started dozing off. We were on our way home from the store, and I got him out of the stroller to help me push it for a block or so. This woke him up as well as giving him a bit of exercise. When we got home he watched Sesame Street before his lunch, then he played until his mom came home. It was a bit different from our usual schedule, when he's down for his nap for an hour or so before she gets home.

I think I have the best job in the world-- taking care of David!

Of course some other jobs might be more financially rewarding, or intellectually challenging, but being David's nanny is the most fun.

I had previously achieved my educational and vocational goals and received the fulfillment of living out my call in the ministry. I have experienced a measure of financial success and known security and though I suffered setbacks in my business as well as eventual losses during the recession I have been reminded that money isn't the most important thing in life. Having the chance to spend this time with my grandson is a great blessing.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Riding the Bus

This was my first week on the new schedule. The weather was noticeably cooler and less humid, with a hint of fall in the air, but altogether quite pleasant after the fierce heat of August.

Now that big brother is in school, some times we go farther from home. The week before last we went to a store on foot. The store had children's shopping carts, and David enjoyed pushing one around with the few items I was buying. I do have to watch him closely to make sure that he does not start going too fast and run into someone.

This week, we had a big adventure riding the bus a couple of mornings, first to the toddler story time at the library, and another day to a playground. Since classes at the neighborhood elementary school have resumed, the playground isn't open for us to use during the school day.

He was quite good the whole time, mostly just quietly watching and taking things in. On the first day I didn't quite have the hang of folding up the stroller, so it would start unfolding while I was carrying it and trying to hold on to David's hand getting on and off the bus. The next day I found the plastic clasp to hold it closed, so it was easier. Grandmas don't know all these things. I never had a folding stroller when my kids were his age.

About twenty or so kids with their moms or grandmas joined in the session at the library, which featured some songs, and a few story books about counting or the alphabet. He mostly preferred to stand close to me during the program except for taking a few steps for one closer look. Altogether he was fine.

By now he is used to me, unlike the week his mom and I were helpers at Vacation Bible School, which was just as I was moving here this summer. For that David definitely preferred being with his mom for most of the time we were there. Most of last year his parents cared for him themselves at home because they were working different schedules.

I'm happy that he is comfortable enough with me now that I can take him places. That is a big plus.

The playground was one that he was quite familiar with, as his parents have taken him there many times. There were lots of other kids his age, and he wasn't shy about joining in. He liked a twirling donut-shaped swing, and shared one ride on it with a little girl.

Afterwards I did a couple of errands before we hopped a bus for home. David played inside until lunch .

Altogether it was a fun week.