Friday, October 9, 2009

We Meet Up With a Turtle

Yesterday our skies finally cleared after several days of rain and drizzle.

David and I rode the bus down to the library for story time. He edged away from me a little to get closer to the action, and joined in some of the body motions during the songs. Afterwards we hopped on another bus to go home right away.

It was a perfect fall day for playing outside, riding his tricycle. He can almost pedal now, but he's not quite sure how to keep going. He had put his feet up and coasted down the driveway toward the cul de sac just as a snapping turtle waddled across the street, and we went over for a closer look. As we watched, it slowly crawled toward the curb, then walked alongside it, as if looking for a place to climb up. David was amazed by this creature, as I explained that the shell on his back was his house, but as he poked it with a stick I cautioned him not to get too close or try to touch it, as it might bite.

Sure enough, the cat approached for a look, then scampered away, wanting no part of it. Finally the turtle did climb up the curb, and crawled into the ivy in the yard for more cover where we watched it for a few more minutes.

David started climbing on the lower branches of the magnolia tree, butstill thinking about the turtle he pointed toward the house and said, "This my house!"

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