Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Explorer

For my first two weeks Leo is still home from school, but he does attend a day camp for half the day. Last week's schedule was different, as my daughter-in-law is not on her regular schedule for her first week. For the most part everything went well, and we are settling in to a routine.

On Friday we had an extra attraction for the boys when an ATT crew were working in a manhole out by the curb. They had two trucks, a ladder going down in to the manhole, and lots of equipment.

Playing in a large u-haul box on the porch left over from moving some things earlier this summer is a favorite game. Sitting in the rocker is my favorite activity while they play here.

This week I started my normal schedule, which usually begins about 8:15 am. Today they played quietly either inside or out, and were cheerful and cooperative. Leo is home in the mornings this week. I did some light housework and picking up. Leo usually sleeps later than David, who is always awake when I come. David likes to go outside and play a lot, usually first thing in the morning.

After Leo woke up, we all went back outside. The boys spent time out by the street looking at the trucks and the workman who emerged from the hole. Then they played in the magnolia tree, climbing on the lower branches, swinging, hanging and bouncing.

I made French toast for an early lunch, as Leo was going to camp at one. Leo teased his brother by first letting him wear a cap, then snatching it off and running away. David howled, but I found him another one and he seemed satisfied to wear it. When Leo heard that he had stopped crying, he came out to the driveway to see what was going on.

David walked under the trees lining the driveway and into the neighbor's yard. He wouldn't come back when I called him, so I had to go after him. I do have to keep an eye on him constantly, as he is an explorer, and pays no attention to where his own yard ends.

Then their dad came home to take Leo to camp. Leo complains about going this week because he says he's tired of it. After they left, I took David for a walk in his stroller and he fell asleep.

Most days I can get something done while David takes his nap, such as working on my checkbook or journaling.

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