Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Starting Out

My first official day as a nanny was a breeze.

8:15 am David was just waking up when I arrived. I changed his diaper and put on his shorts and shirt.
8:30 David's dad and five-year-old brother Leo leave for Leo's day camp.
8:45 David isn't hungry, so we head for a nearby park. Weather forecast is for extreme heat, with temperatures around 100, so best to go early today.
9:30 Home again and David has breakfast. He feeds himself cereal and has some juice while I have a cup of coffee.
9:45 David helps me unload clean dishes from the dishwasher. He likes to put utensils in drawers and stack plastic cups.
10:00 Back outside again in the back yard, watering the garden with water from the rain barrel. I put some water in David's smaller sprinkling can, and he helps, mostly by pouring his all in one spot. I show him some other plants that want a drink too. Then we pick up branches and carry them out to the pile at the curb.
10:45 Inside for a drink of water. It's already getting hot.
11:00 Back outside I sit in a rocker on the front porch while he plays with a truck. David loves being outdoors, but today the heat seems to slow him down a bit. Usually he can make it down to the street in the wink of an eye, so he has to be watched constantly. For now the heat is bearable as long as we stay in the shade.
11:00 Inside again, reading a story.
12:30 Dad brings Leo home from camp, then goes back to work. I'm making lunch.
1:00 pm After lunch of mac and cheese, grapes and milk we're back out in the yard again to look for Leo who has decided to hide from us. But just briefly, because the baking heat soon takes him back in the house, and David discovers Leo under the covers of his bed.

2:30 David's getting sleepy. After watching some PBS kids shows with Leo, and a story-book, I manage to get him down for his nap.
3:15 Mom arrives home.

So far, so good, we've made a good start. David was cheerful and cooperative. It helps that he has gotten used to me since I moved here earlier this summer and I have taken care of him a number of times already.

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